Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Health Care Reform

Regardless of how you feel about the current health care reform legislation, how do you feel about one party having control of all three branches of government?

Right now, Mr. Obama has a monopoly on the legislative process, the executive as well as the judicial. How long do you think the electorate will allow this to go on? If it is one thing we have seen in the past, one party control of our government is not good for the economy. Healthcare reform is one of those that would not be good for the economy or the general health of our population. When most anything is socialized that has been a part of the "free market" system, we generally see a decline in the ability of the system to sustain at its current level, e.g. decline in quality of the product and quality of the training for people in that industry. If this gets ramrodded through, what would your predictions be?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


We are constantly bombarded by "statistics" from politicians. How many of you out there take what politicians share with us as truthful? Before answering please consider first the possible motive (s) for them sharing the statistics in the first place. My question comes from the declaration of President Obama that the stimulus package is working. I am sure he used statistics to justify such a declaration. So what are the motives one has when throwing statistics around?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Economic Stimulus Package???

I have really struggled with what to write about this. The last week has shown really how out of touch our elected officials are with reality, Democrat or Republican. I am beginning to believe that these people never had a basic micro or macro class. When are they going to realize that the package they are proposing will only send us deeper into recession and possibly into the Massive Depression. I am not fool enough to believe that government can solve this problem, however based on public reaction to the proposal, it seems the IMFs statistical quantification of our literacy rate is a bit out of wack. All I can say, I hope people have been storing something for a rainy day. Oh, that's right, our country is in a state of dissaving, so we are basically screwed, collectively.

On a lighter note, everyone I come in contact with lately seems to have personal saving on their minds. If this is the case then I can feel safe that at least a third of the country is at least thinking about it.

One question: What would your economic stimulus plan look like?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Extreme Political Change

I don't know how many of you have seen "The Day After Tomorrow", but the recent U.S. Presidential elections reminded me of that movie. Just try and imagine what will happen when the eye of this storm passes over your town or state. We need to get off our collective behinds and elect people who have not lost touch with reality.

If you have a chance watch the above mentioned movie and see if you agree with me at least a little bit.