Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Economic Stimulus Package???

I have really struggled with what to write about this. The last week has shown really how out of touch our elected officials are with reality, Democrat or Republican. I am beginning to believe that these people never had a basic micro or macro class. When are they going to realize that the package they are proposing will only send us deeper into recession and possibly into the Massive Depression. I am not fool enough to believe that government can solve this problem, however based on public reaction to the proposal, it seems the IMFs statistical quantification of our literacy rate is a bit out of wack. All I can say, I hope people have been storing something for a rainy day. Oh, that's right, our country is in a state of dissaving, so we are basically screwed, collectively.

On a lighter note, everyone I come in contact with lately seems to have personal saving on their minds. If this is the case then I can feel safe that at least a third of the country is at least thinking about it.

One question: What would your economic stimulus plan look like?

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